01 Şubat 2007

Output types in which output determination precedure

ile Yunus KALDIRIM

SAP R/3 formları üzerinde ekleme-düzenleme yapmak için;

•    How can I find out very quickly
which “output types” are assigned to output determination precedure ?
Is there a dictionary table or onother way to descry it?

And my second question is:
which sales document, Shippment, Transport etc. is allocated to which output determination precedure?
•    I would like to locate the print programs and the corresponding smart forms. say for invoice we have a smart form available and how to track the print program for it. pls advise.
•    output types can be checked in tcode NACE
Procedure controls in tcode NACZ

check the table NAST for more information.

for second.
//which sales document, Shippment, Transport etc. is allocated to which output determination procedure?

This will be determined in the requirements assigned to the output type during the creation.

u can check this in NACZ or NACE by giving the application and
procedure —>controls–> requirements.
•    You can track the Program through mainintaing table TNAPR. TNAPR is the table which is having entries for “Processing Programs for output”.